Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Pooh Bears

Here is a video from a few weeks ago that I've been meaning to post. It captures Little I being ridiculously cute as he growls like a tiger and laughs at the name "Pooh Bear."


GG and Grandpa said...

What a cute growling tiger! I love to hear Little I laugh!
GG and Grandpa

Amanda said...

Adorable! I need to figure out how to download things from my video camera and put them online. :)

Carolyn said...

Hi friends!

That's a great clip of I. M's been working long hours and so I've started taking video clips of E so that he can see them when he gets home. They're great markers of development.

And how's the new baby? Any movement yet? I love the floating, rotating baby. I'm sure that's what the baby's doing with all of that space!