Saturday, July 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Mr. C!

It is hard to believe that just one short year ago MomE and I were still at the hospital with our newest family member, Mr. C. Yesterday was a big day for Mr. C. He had a little birthday celebration with friends from play group, he got some new toys to play with, and he had his first cake. We decided to treat him to barbeque out for dinner after spending some time at the library. Mr. C must have known it was an important day because he surprised us with two new words: "bubbles" and "balloon"! His vocabulary now consists of eight words, which means he improved his vocabulary by 33% on his birthday. Way to rise to the occasion, Mr. C! Rather than wax philosophically about the relativity of a year depending on how you look at it or spend an inordinate amount of time reminiscing about the past 365 days, I'll get straight to the pictures.

The friends:

The family:

Blowing out the candle, Little I helped:
The cake with action shots:

I have to brag about MomE's creativity here. The "ice cream cones" below are actually cup cakes baked into ice cream cone shells. No silverware or napkins needed!
Happy Birthday Mr. C! We're so glad to be your mom(E) and dad(D)!


Amanda said...

Happy B'day, Mr. C!! Hard to believe our little ones are 1. :) Cute idea about ice cream cones!

jaclark said...

So fun!!! I hated to miss it. Looks like he had a great birthday!